Welcome to The Write Class™!
The Write Class™ is an online first-year writing course placement tool that integrates various points of data to create a personalized course placement for each student. It integrates and analyzes each student's
- standardized test scores;
- high school GPA (if applicable);
- writing and reading history;
- preparedness for each course.
It does not allow for multiple attempts, and placement results are final. Based on the information you provide in The Write Class™, you will be placed into English 101, 101P or 102.
This process will take between 20-30 minutes. Please be sure you have the time to answer all questions before beginning.
If you believe you already have credits for one or more of the courses listed above, you will receive more detailed information about your options at the end of this process.
Honor Code Agreement
As a member of the Boise State community, you are obligated to abide by Boise State's Student Code of Conduct and to honor the campus-wide Core Values, which include trustworthiness, academic excellence, and responsibility.